Tiny House Builders in Coeur d’Alene ID. Tiny house movement is the recent community sensation throughout the USA.
A tiny home on wheels is a property that is considerably downsized from an ordinary home of around 1,000 to 2,500 square feet to a tiny house ranging from about 100 to 400 square feet.
There are huge advantages of owning a tiny home such as:
1. Financial freedom
Building a tiny home is apparently cheaper than purchasing a traditional home. There are tiny home designers out there who will design and build it for you. Prices for tiny houses can range from less than $20,000 to around $50,000 depending on its size and the kind of finishes that you want.
2. Easier to keep-up and clean
Cleaning two or three small rooms takes far less time than cleaning seven or eight large ones. With less space to clean and fewer gear to repair, tiny home owners can spend less time on chores and more on their work, hobbies, and relationships.
3. You can be extremely energy efficient
The tiny house movement goes hand in hand with the environmental movement. Tiny houses are green homes, as they use less energy, produce less waste, and consume less resources (in the form of products that are no longer being purchased) than traditional homes. Smaller appliances work more efficiently and a smaller space uses less power to heat and cool the air.
4. You can travel with your tiny home
In tiny home you just actually buy and choose a plot of land to park your tiny home on, you’re not tied to any property. So in the future, if you want to move to another city you can just hitch it to a truck and drive it to that new place. The potential mobility of tiny home is a huge advantage.
5. Lower expenses
A tiny house costs a lot less to build than a full-sized one. According to The Tiny Life, it’s possible to build a tiny house for $23,000 on average. The average price for a full-sized house, by contrast, is $272,000 – more than 10 times as much. Cutting back on housing expenses enables tiny house owners to put more money toward luxuries (such as travel), save for retirement by using what you might have been spending on a house payment to put into an IRA with TD Ameritrade, or simply work less.
Tiny Home Building process:
Step 1. Fill out the blank to tell us your ideas on your home
Step 2. Tiny house builder will call to discuss the design and project plans
Step 3. Tiny house builder will deliver accurate tiny house proposal, included services and pricing
In case you are ready to join the movement and own a tiny home, schedule a complimentary consultation from Coeur d’Alene ID tiny home builder today!