Tiny House Builders in Fort Riley KS. Tiny house movement is a popular real estate tendency throughout the USA.
A tiny house on wheels is a house that is quite downsized from a common house of around 1,000 to 2,500 square feet to a tiny house ranging from about 100 to 400 square feet.
There are huge advantages of owning a small house such as:
1. You don’t have to spend a lot of money building it
Building a tiny house is definitely cheaper than buying a traditional house. If you have the time and ability to design and build the house yourself, you can only spend your money on materials. With an average of $25,000, self-built tiny homes are much cheaper and nicer than traditional homes in that price range and are designed to last long.
2. Easier maintenance
Another benefit that comes from having less space is you won’t use as much cleaner because you won’t have to buy items so often. You’ll just need minutes to clean up per week and you can concentrate on doing the things you truly want to do, which is amazingly liberating.
3. Lower energy use
Аll of these benefits add up to a major benefit for the environment. Whether you use solar power or connect your house with a power line, the energy needs of such a tiny space are much smaller than the energy needs of a traditional house. Also, their small size makes them easier to site in a place that’s close to nature.
4. Worry Less about future moves
One thing that often holds people back from owning a traditional house is its permanence. You’ve invested a lot of money into this fixed structure and the land surrounding it. What happens if you get a new job in a different city, state, or even country and have to move? You can just connect your tine house to a truck and drive it to that new place!
5. Much cheaper to heat and cool
A tiny house costs a lot less to build than a full-sized one. According to The Tiny Life, it’s possible to build a tiny house for $23,000 on average. The average price for a full-sized house, by contrast, is $272,000 – more than 10 times as much. Cutting back on housing expenses enables tiny house owners to put more money toward luxuries (such as travel), save for retirement by using what you might have been spending on a house payment to put into an IRA with TD Ameritrade, or simply work less.
Tiny Home Building process:
Step 1. Fill out the blank to tell us basic information on your house
Step 2. Tiny house builder will call to brainstorm the project plans and designs
Step 3. Tiny house builder will provide exclusive tiny house proposal, included services and price
In case you are ready to join the movement and have a tiny house in Fort Riley KS, request a free quotation from tiny house builder today!